I am wanting to know if someone could please tell me what to set it on to cut a template from the green Hartco material that I just purchased It has numbers on the end for the cutting force, 2,4, 6 8, etc. Please contact HTW about becoming a reseller of our template flock, 5 roll minimum. 3 Hi, I have a Roland Camm-1 cutter, which is an older one.Great template material for all stone sizes 0:00 / 8:43 How to make a Rhinestone Sticky Flock Template with the Silhouette Cameo in 10 Minutes TheRhinestoneWorld 291K subscribers Join 137K views 9 years ago LIKE our awesome.Rock-it Rhinestone Template Flock now has a new line design, the new backing is gridded, and the new liner is a bit thinner as well.Rock-it Rhinestone Template flock allows a longer blade life and less wear and tear on cutters, making it easy to keep cutting your rhinestone template designs. How to Create a Rhinestone Transfer 4) Place the flock (sticky side. It it reduces friction when cutting with any craft or commercial cutter, making it very user-friendly. We cut custom templates just for you, no need to buy expensive transfers anymore.

It came out so pretty for a low low low price. This Rhinestone Template Material works great in the Silhouette Cameo. Uploaded to Pinterest Rhinestone Projects I wanted to make my own rhinestone template without sticky flock, using card stock, contact paper, painters tape, makeup brush (because I left my paint trimmer at the store LOL) and Silhouette Cameo. Rock-it Rhinestone Template Flock is developed and manufactured specifically to be used as rhinestone template material. Create your own rhinestone templates with this rhinestone template material.

Will ship by July 7th, 2023 Rock-it Rhinestone Template Flock 12"