In certain videos, Caillou has a twin brother named Daillou, and on rarer occasions, a triplet brother named Baillou.For example, most Ivona voices pronounce his name as "Kayloo", while most VoiceForge voices pronounce it as "Kay-eye-you". Caillou's name is sometimes pronounced differently by different voices.In OliverWestern's videos, Caillou's last name is Anderson.Arthur Read (Arch Enemy and former best friend).Dora Marquez (aka Dora the Explorer) (ex-girlfriend).Also in many videos, Caillou gets Boris arrested for constantly abusing him.In multiple videos, Caillou behaves well in a given restaurant/store, and gets ungrounded for his behavior.In another video, Caillou saves his little sister Hannah from IT.

There is now nothing for you to decide anymore, Boris. You regard me as the one thing below you, well no longer. You think grounding me will sate the demon that hammers at your skull? No, it will only postpone your twisting nights of reflection. You lack the bread and butter of a respectable American single father. I've seen you fumble and struggle to order at Chuck E Cheeses. I've heard your mindless chatter with our out of the common guests. You think me blind? Try as you might, you can't hide your failing.